The Seven Deadly Questions of Islam
A study on the seven common questions asked by Muslims about Christianity.
by – Anonymous
Seven Deadly Questions of IslamSeven Deadly Questions of Islam is a anonymous work by a practicing medical doctor in the UK. He asks seven key questions commonly asked by Muslims about Christianity, and then he answers them correctly.
1. ‘Your Bible has been corrupted.’
2. ‘What about the predictions of Muhammad in the Bible?’
3. ‘Christians worship three gods’ and ‘God has no son.’
4. ‘Why the atonement?’ God forgives me if I confess my sins.
5. ‘Jesus was never crucified.’
6. The Qurán contains scientific statements which prove its inspiration by God.’
7. ‘Look at all the depravity in Christian society – Islam is pure.’
The author is a practising medical doctor in the United Kingdom and would be pleased to hear your responses at