The Book of Job
by Ethelbert William Bullinger
Summary of Bullinger The Book of Job
In this commentary on the book of Job (Bullinger has 40 chapters), Bullinger (Brethren) does an extensive work. This module has a lot of OCR errors in it though.
The oldest lesson in the world, as seen in the Book of Job, is that man’s way is not necessarily God’s way. In this study, E. W. Bullinger shows how the perfect workmanship of God is exhibited in our lives, even in times of great adversity. This lesson is essential to enjoying peace with God for time and eternity.
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Bullinger’s commentary on the most ancient book of the Bible offers insights into God’s work in our lives. The author also gives us a distinctive translation of the Book of Job with explanatory notes and follows the literary and critical style of the book. In addition, figures of speech and divine names and titles are given special attention. Every Bible student will find much practical help in this unique approach to the Book of Job.
Chapter Content of Bullinger The Book of Job
Contents of Part I.
The Oldest lesson in the world
Contents of Part II.
The translation of the book of Job
The oldest lesson in the world
The book and its structure
The introduction (Job 1:1-5)
The adversary’s assault (Job 1:6 – 2:10)
Job and his three friends (Job 3:1 – 31:40)
The ministry of Elihu (Job 32 – 37)
The ministry of Jehovah Himself (Job 38 – 42:6)
The conclusion (Job 42:7-17)
A rhythmical translation of the book of Job
The introduction Historical (Job 1:1-5)
The adversary’s assault (Job 1:6 – 2:10)
The three friends Their arrival (Job 2:11-13)
Job and his friends (Job 3:1 – 31:40)
Job’s lamentation (Job 3)
Eliphaz. Frist address (Job 4,5)
Job’s reply to Eliphaz (Job 6,7)
Bildad’s frist address (Job 8)
Job’s reply to Bildad (Job 9,10)
Zophar’s frist address (Job 11)
Job’s reply to Zophar (Job 12-14)
Eliphaz. Second address (Job 15)
Job’s reply to Eliphaz (Job 16,17)
Bildad’s second address (Job 18)
Job’s reply to Bildad (Job 19)
Zophar’s second address (Job 20)
Job’s reply to Zophar (Job 21)
Eliphaz. Third address (Job 22)
Job’s reply to Eliphaz (Job 23,24)
Bildad’s third address (Job 25)
Job’s reply to Bildad (Job 26: – 27:10)
Zophar’s third address (Job 27:11 – 28:28)
Job’s justification (Job 29-31)
The ministry of Elihu (Job 32:1 – 37:24)
Jehovah and Job (Job 38:1 – 42:6)
The three friends: Their departure (Job 42:7-9
The adversary’s defeat (Job 42:10-13))
The conclusion (Job 42:14-17)
doct12 God incarnate is a doctrinal tract about how Jesus is and always will be fully God, yet in time, he took on himself a human body through the Holy Spirit and Mary.
Topics: Definition of the Doctrine | Confusion about the Doctrine | The History of the Doctrine | The Humiliation of Jesus | The Kenosis of Jesus | The Divinity of Jesus | The Exaltation of Jesus | Why did God have to become man?
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