Ironside’s Notes on Selected Books
By Harry Ironside
Ironside’s Notes is a Brethren writer which makes a lot of excellent comments on the Bible.
Torrey How to Bring Men to Christ is a manual for witnessing to the unsaved to lead them to Christ. It has hints, tips, and suggestions. 13 Chapters.
PDF: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
theWord: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
MySword: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
eSword: Torrey How to bring men to Christ
Ironside’s Notes
Ironsides Notes on Selected Books (120 downloads )
pc56 Just Say no to Witchcraft! Understanding Witchcraft. we examine witchcraft in the light of the Bible, your will or accepting God's will.
Topics: What is Witchcraft? | How does one practice witchcraft? | The Importance of Rejecting Witchcraft | How do we reject it? | Conclusion.
Excerpt: We must worship that God, because He is our Creator, and we must seek his moral guidance in life, and for whatever matter that we need or want, we must go to Him first to see if it is what we should seek and ask God for (if it is His will for us). Having established this, witchcraft is to seek spirits or occult principles to get what we want (our own will).
pc56 Just Say no to Witchcraft! Understanding Witchcraft.
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I am Pastor David Cox, the Webmaster of this site. I am an independent Baptist Missionary pastor working in Mexico City since 1984. Many churches reject a fundamentalist because we do not accept the many false doctrines that modern churches have in common. We believe the Bible, and we preach and teach it. I have written over 400+ tracts and more than 60+ books which are just an extension of my pulpit ministry. All are free. Please help us keep this good material on the Internet for the world.
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I have thè Deluxe edition of MySword. I downloaded Ironside on Luke. I could not open the zip file so I deleted it.
Hi Don, I am not sure about why you could not open the zip file. If you will download it again, and remove the underline, maybe that will help. I just downloaded it, and it opened fine.