The Surrendered Life
by James McConkey
This short (5 chapter) work by McConkey (Deeper Life) about the surrendered life. His chapters are the Surrendered Life, What? Why? How? and Then.
Stalker The Preacher and His Models Looks at the Preacher as a Man of God, a Patriot, a man of the Word, as a False Prophet, as a man, as a Christian, as an Apostle, and as a Thinker.
Read the Work: Stalker The Preacher and His Models.
1. The Surrendered Life
2. What?
3. Why?
4. How?
5. Then
More Modules from Christian Life Category
- Morgan, G.C. – Life’s Problems
- Morgan, G.C. – God’s Perfect Will
- Morgan, G. C. – The Life of the Christian
- Miller, J.R. – Making the Most of Life
- McConkey, J. – The Surrendered Life
- Mason, W. – Believer’s Pocket Companion
- Ironside, H.A. – Selections from Care for God’s Fruit Trees
- Gurnall, W. – The Christian In Complete Armour
- Gordon, S.D. – Quiet Talks on Following the Christ
- Chapman Christian Living in the Modern World
pc56 Just say no to witchcraft! We examine what witchcraft is and how it is contrary to us depending on God for everything in our lives.
Topics: What is Witchcraft? | How do you Practice Witchcraft? Occult Principles (or Spells). Refutation. Spiritual Guides | The Importance of Rejecting It | How to Reject it? | Conclusion.
Excerpt from the Tract: The Druids and people who believe in Mother Earth are people who have taken up this concept today, such that the ecological movement and to protect the earth and save it “from human beings” as if we are invaders of our own planet earth, or we are parasites on her.
Read the Tract: cp56 Just say no to witchcraft!.
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