Quiet Talks on Following the Christ
By S. D. Gordon
Author of “Quiet Talks On Power,” “Quiet Talks on Prayer,” “Quiet Talks On Our Lord’s Return,” etc.
New York Chicago Toronto Fleming H. Revell Company London and Edinburgh
Copyright, 1913, by Fleming H. Revell Company
Pollock Doctrine of Christ 2 John 1:9-11 is a single chapter work of 28 pages looking at different aspects of the Doctrine of Christ.
PDF: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
theWord: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
MySword: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
eSword: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 17 North Wabash Ave. Toronto: 25 Richmond Street, W. London: 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh: 100 Princes Street
In this 8 chapter work, Gordon (Congregationalist-Baptist) presents us with meditations on following Christ. His chapters are the lone man who went before, the long, rough road he trod, the pleading call to follow, what following mens, shall we go?, finger-posts, fellow-followers, the glory of the goat, face to face.
Contents of Quiet Talks on Following the Christ
I. The Lone Man Who Went Before
II. The Long, Rough Road He Trod
III. The Pleading Call To Follow
IV. What Following Means
1. A Look Ahead
2. The Main Road
3. The Valleys
4. The Hilltops
V. Shall We Go?
VI. Finger-Posts
VII. Fellow-Followers
VIII. The Glory of the Goal,–face To Face
Gordon, S.D. - Quiet Talks on Following the Christ (78 downloads )
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