Bates, W. – The Great Duty of Resignation

The Great Duty of Resignation
By William Bates

This is a work on resigning oneself’s to God’s will, based on Jesus’ prayer in Mat 26:39 in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he submitted himself to whatever is God the Father’s will.

Matthew 26:39 – ‘And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.’


Explanation of the duty of resignation.

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Arguments to convince us of this duty of resignation.

1. God’s supreme right over us.
2. His righteousness in all His ways.
3. His uncontrollable power.
4. His paternal love in sending afflictions.
It is proved from:
(1.) His gracious design in sending them.
(2.) His effectual support under them.
(3.) The happy issue out of them.
5. His infinite wisdom orders all things for the best.

Motives to persuade us of this duty of resignation.
1. The example of Christ in his suffereings.
2. The examples of the suffering saints in all ages.
3. All creatures obey the will of their Creator.
4. It is our most glorious perfection, to have our wills united to the divine will.
5. It is our felicity quietly to resign our wills to the will of God.

Directions how to perform this duty of resignation.
1. Faith in the divine providence and promises will compose the soul.
2. Let God be the supreme object of our affections.
3. Let us moderate our valuation of things below.
4. A prudent forecast of future evils will arm us with patience to sustain them.
5. Serious reflections upon our guilt and desert will suppress impatience.
6. Reflect upon blessings as well as evils.
7. Pray frequently and fervently for this disposition.


Bates - The Great Duty of Resignation (69 downloads )

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