Bible Characters
Being Selections from Sermons
by Alexander Gardiner Mercer, D.D. (1817-1882)
With a Brief Memoir of Him by Manton Marble and a Portrait
New York & London
G. P Putnam’s Sons
Copyright by
G. P. Putnam’s Sons
Memoir of Rev. Dr. Mercer
Abraham 1
Isaac 14
Jacob and Esau 24
Jacob’s Vision, Consecration, and Vow 39
Joseph 55
Caleb 66
Joshua 77
Eli 80
David 100
David: His Sin and Repentance …… 114
Jabez 124
Mary 133
John the Baptist 151
The Greatness of John the Baptist 165
Nicodemus 170
Simon Peter 183
Zaccheus 190
Peter’s Denial 208
Pontius Pilate, the Governor .221
Judas Iscariot 232
Stephen 244
Saul of Tarsus 256
Paul and Barnabus 271
Paul at Athens 284
Gallio 292
Paul before Felix 302
Paul before Festus 312
Paul at Melita 320
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