From the Webmaster

12/18/2024 I am converting all of the zipped mySword modules on this site to straight *.bok.mybible formats. If you visit us from a cell phone, you do not have to unzip these files. I am also changing the format somewhat. I am getting away from individual descriptions, and just making library lists where you can directly download the files.
If you come across a post that doesn't have a download link, please post a note to me in the comments of that post (no download), and I will try to get the file uploaded and linked to that post. We have had glitches in the past, and some posts lost their downloads. Basically, I am taking down all posts (650 posts on the site), and checking each one to see if they have their download, and if not adding it. Most do not. Once I take it down, it will repost (1 per day) until I am caught up and can work on new posts. Note that MySword reads theWord modules and esword modules now, so use them if you have them. Check these sites and
If you can use these mysword modules in your Christian life and ministry, I need a big favor from you. I need you to pray for me. I sustain this website alone, out of my own living expense money. The Google Adsense ads have been adding to my income at the rate of 5 US cents per day for Google Adsense Ads as a daily total on 32 of my sites, all of them combined earn me a nickel per day except on bad days when it is less. I have been hacked continually, and these sites breakdown or are hacked, so I need your prayers. Please pray that God would protect this labor of love. If you cannot donate, please pray for me at least.
-- David Cox, Webmaster

Mercer, A.G. – Bible Characters

Bible Characters
Being Selections from Sermons
by Alexander Gardiner Mercer, D.D. (1817-1882)
With a Brief Memoir of Him by Manton Marble and a Portrait
New York & London
G. P Putnam’s Sons
Copyright by
G. P. Putnam’s Sons

Memoir of Rev. Dr. Mercer
Abraham 1
Isaac 14
Jacob and Esau 24
Jacob’s Vision, Consecration, and Vow 39
Joseph 55
Caleb 66
Joshua 77
Eli  80
David 100
David: His Sin and Repentance …… 114
Jabez 124
Mary 133
John the Baptist 151
The Greatness of John the Baptist 165
Nicodemus  170
Simon Peter 183
Zaccheus 190
Peter’s Denial 208
Pontius Pilate, the Governor .221
Judas Iscariot 232
Stephen 244
Saul of Tarsus 256
Paul and Barnabus 271
Paul at Athens 284
Gallio 292
Paul before Felix 302
Paul before Festus 312
Paul at Melita 320


Bible Characters (4 downloads )

fam48 Men are God's Agents
is a tract about how God uses men as his principle workers of His will, looking at man as God wants him to be. Manhood and the husband-wife relationship.
Excerpt: Women find their task from God in their social relationship with their husband and with training their children in the ways of God.
Download: fam48 Men are God's Agents

Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment is a single chapter work on the everlasting or eternity of hell. Christopher Knapp is a brethren author.
PDF: Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment
theWord: Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment
MySword: Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment
eSword: Knapp The Ethics of Eternal Punishment

MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.

Helping Returning Missionaries
are my thoughts and suggestions for missionaries returning on furlough to the States, also those on deputation. Topics: How are we helping returning missionaries? | Let me put forth my mindset. | Coming Home and Culture Shock | The Problems of Cyber Space and Missionaries | Stick to Standard Forms of Communication | You can Help Returning Missionaries by understanding their lifestyle | More Lifestyle Differences | Helping Missionaries with Dental, Eyecare, Medical Care | Churches can help Returning missionaries - Housing | Small stuff | Get expert Advice | My Best Experiences with Visiting a Church as a Missionary Speaker.
Read the Article: Helping Returning Missionaries.

2 thoughts on “Mercer, A.G. – Bible Characters

  1. There doesn’t appear to be a download link for this resource. Thanks.

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