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Abbott, G. – Family at Home

Family At Home
By  Gorham Abbott

The author, Gorham Abbott, was the son of Jacob Abbott, and younger brother of John S.C. Abbott. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1826, and studied theology at Andover Seminary form the class of 1831. Continue reading

Abbott - Family at Home Bok
Abbott - Family at Home Bok
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Abbott - Child at Home Bok
Abbott - Child at Home Bok
701.4 KB

Bunyan A Book for Girls and Boys: Temporal Things Spiritualized.

Bunyan A Book for Girls and Boys: Temporal Things Spiritualized.

by John Bunyan (1701)

Summary of Bunyan A Book for Girls and Boys: Temporal Things Spiritualized.

Or Temporal Things Spiritualized. This is a single chapter sermon by Bunyan for young people. This work is composed of about 44 short poems for girls and boys.

Evaluation by David Cox

This is basically Christian poems for young people.

I would recommend this work, although most youth today are not interested in Poems. Continue reading

Arthur, T.S. – Advice to Young Men on Their Duties and Conduct in Life

Advice to Young Men on Their Duties and Conduct in Life
By Timothy Shay Arthur, 1855

This is a 15 chapter work of advice to young men by Arthur. Arthur is not really a religious author per se, but his works do reflect a moral standard of the Bible. Continue reading

Arthur-Advice to young men
Arthur-Advice to young men
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