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Bunyan, J. – Reprobation Asserted

Reprobation Asserted

The Doctrine of Eternal Election and Reprobation Promiscuously Handled,
In Eleven Chapters.

by John Bunyan

T.R. Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine is a Bible Doctrines book of 43 chapters. The author is (according to the Introduction) "systematic, Calvinistic, Baptist, and premillennial". I am offering this work in various formats:
PDF: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.pdf
Microsoft Word DOCX: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.docx
OpenOffice ODT: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.odt
EPUB: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.epub
theWord: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.twm
eSword: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.topx
MySword: Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.mybible


This work is a book (11 Chapters) by Calvinist-Reformed John Bunyan. The truth about Calvinism is that they do not believe God gives every person the same opportunity to repent and be saved, but that some are elected to heaven (they cannot resist this), and the logic counterpart is that then the rest are elected to hell without opportunity to ever be saved. This is called Reprobation. While most smart Calvinists do not publicize this doctrine of Calvinism much, they do believe in it. This is Bunyan’s presentation of reprobation.

Evaluation by David Cox

Bunyan is an Anglican and Calvinist-Reformed, so those warnings would apply to this work. This is a book which has the heart of Calvinism at its core, and it is very strongly argued that God determines unilaterally some people going to hell without anything they could ever do to change that. I personally do not hold to this position, and I do not think most good Christian people would (the majority of Calvinists even have problem with this conclusion). The many appeals by God to look, repent, believe, and be saved would be hollow and sadistic if this doctrine was true.

I would not recommend this work for most people, only those studying the errors of Calvinism.

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We examine the sin of gossiping and slander in the light of the Word of God. This study guides our thoughts.
Excerpt from the Tract
Leviticus 19:16
Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor: I am the LORD.
The definition of gossip is a person who repeats news or rumors, even murmurings or conversation that hurts other people’s image, when these people are absent and cannot defend themselves. It is a cowardly form to speak about others behind their backs (or being absent) in order to discover something (true or false) about them that they would not say in front of that person to their face because it is insulting or would humiliate the person. Gossip is an attack against the person they are talking about.
Download Tract from Here: PC29 Don't be a Gossip
See also Church Planting Workshop: Handling Gossip An article about handling gossip within the church.v

MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.

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