By Thomas Armitage (1819-1896)
Armitage, Thomas, 1819-1896. A history of the Baptists traced by their vital principles and practices: from the time of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the year 1886. This is a history of the movement of the Baptists. History of the Baptists
CONTENTS of History of the Baptists
1. The Colonial Period? Pilgrims and Puritans
2. Banishment of Roger Williams
3. Settlement of Rhode Island
4. The Providence and Newport Churches
5. Chauncey? Knollys? Miles and the Swansea Church
6. The Boston Baptists
7. New Centers of Baptist Influence? South Carolina? Maine? Pennsylvania? New Jersey
8. The Baptists of Virginia
9. Baptists of Connecticut and New York
10. The Baptists of North Carolina, Maryland, New Hampshire, Vermont and Georgia
11. Baptists and the Revolutionary War
12. The American Baptists and Constitutional Liberty
13. Foreign Missions? Asia and Europe
14. Other Baptist Missions? Foreign and Home
15. Preachers? Educators? Authors
16. Theological Seminaries? Literature? Revivals
17. Bible Translation and Bible Societies
18. Baptists in British America and Australia