Hearing of the Word of God
The Hearing of the Word of God
by William Ames
Hearing of the Word of God is a sermon (1 Chapter) by William Ames (Protestant Divine, Calvinist) on hearing the word of God.
Cox A Study on the Trinity is a short 32-page work on the Trinity with special attention applied towards Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses. Chapters: 1. God is One Monotheism. | 2. Why God is one, but has to be three persons in that one God: Love needs three people. | 3. Other Consideration that God has to be three persons. | 4. God the Father is God | 5. Jesus is God | 6. The Holy Spirit is God. | 7. Unacceptable explanations of the Trinity. | 8 Conclusion. Alternate Download Site: Christian-kindle-library.com
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- Litke, S. – How We Got the Bible
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- Kimble, E. – Hermeneutical Principles of Progressive Revelation
- Griffith-Thomas, W.H. – How we got our Bible
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- Eiselen, F.C. – The Christian View of the Old Testament
- Washburn, L.K. – Is The Bible Worth Reading And Other Essays
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- Stalker, J. – How to Study the Bible
- Smith Cleared Up Contradictions Bible 101
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- Scofield Bible Reference Notes
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pc56 Just say no to witchcraft! We examine what witchcraft is and how it is contrary to us depending on God for everything in our lives.
Topics: What is Witchcraft? | How do you Practice Witchcraft? Occult Principles (or Spells). Refutation. Spiritual Guides | The Importance of Rejecting It | How to Reject it? | Conclusion.
Excerpt from the Tract: The Druids and people who believe in Mother Earth are people who have taken up this concept today, such that the ecological movement and to protect the earth and save it “from human beings” as if we are invaders of our own planet earth, or we are parasites on her.
Read the Tract: cp56 Just say no to witchcraft!.
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