The Open English Bible [OEBus]

The Open English Bible [OEBus]

Summary of The Open English Bible [OEBus]

The Open English Bible (OEB) is a freely redistributable modern translation based on the Twentieth Century New Testament translation. A work in progress, with its first publication in August 2010, the OEB is edited and distributed by Russell Allen.

The OEB is a modern translation created by editing the Twentieth Century New Testament translation, and derived from the Greek Wescott-Hort text. The OEB aims to be a “scholarly defensible mainstream translation”, which is intended “not to push any particular theological line”. The reading level of the OEB “[corresponds] roughly to the NEB/REB or NRSV”, that is, High School reading level. The OEB’s initial release was in August 2010, although a preview of the Book of Mark was released in March 2010. (taken from

The Open English Bible [OEBus]

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