Showers on the Grass.
By J.G. Bellet
Being a few brief letters & papers, addressed to C. E. M. Paul, of Exeter,
by the late J. G. Bellett, of Dublin. This work is basically 34 personal letters from Bellett.
London: G. Morrish, 24, Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row, E. C.
“My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass.” — Deut. 32:2.
Cummings Through the Eternal Spirit: A Biblical Study on the Holy Ghost is a 25 chapter work on the Holy Spirit from 1896. NT and OT verses. Some Chapters: 4. The Spirit in the Word, 7. Pentecost: What it was, and what it did, 9. What Pentecost was for the church, 10. Pentecost in relation to the individual believer now, 11. "Baptism in the Spirit:" His being received, His "falling" on men, and other expressions. 21. Power. 23. Temples of the Holy Spirit. 315 pages.
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This work is basically 34 personal letters from Bellett.
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CONTENTS of Showers on the Grass
The Law and the Gospel.
Romans 8:19 – 22.
1 Samuel 1-7.
Genesis 49 and Deut. 33.
John 3.
Jacob at Peniel.
The Case of Job.
Deuteronomy 8:7-9; 11:10-12.
1 Corinthians 11:3-16.
The Woman in the Crowd, Mark 5.
Divine Intimacy.
Redemption, Leviticus 25.
Genesis 1-47.
It has been a pleasant recreation to gather up and arrange these few simple papers for the press. There is living water here. The heart testifies to the unvarying freshness of the matter.
The reader will quickly perceive that there does not exist any special narrative interest in the letters — they are given for the sake of the touching sympathy and hallowed tone expressed in them. How truly they were found to the patient and tried one to whom they were addressed to be as showers upon the grass.
May the Master be pleased to use them for spiritual refreshment to any whose lot may be cast in a similar path of affliction.
C. McA.
London, 1865.
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