MySword Website
This page updated as of February 18, 2025
Welcome! MySword is a free MySword android phone app. This app will allow you to search the Bible, read commentaries, dictionaries, and books on your Android Smartphone. If you have questions or problems, please post a commentary on the page of the module in which you have a problem, or on this page.
News About Website Changes (2/18/2025)
News 2/18/2025
I am slowly getting things organized, and because MySword modules are basically a port from theWord modules, it is easiest to just make a work into a theWord module and convert it to MySword. (I actually do not know any other way of putting something into the MySword format.)
Have you ever eaten Fried Ice Cream! Donate! It is delicious, like apple pie with vanilla ice cream on top. But you know that you cannot have what is good without somebody paying for it. If you have enjoyed things on my website, please consider helping me out on the expenses and keeping it on the Internet. Can you consider at least a one time donation to this ministry of $10 or $20 dollars? I have a monthly total of about 96 gigabytes total being downloaded monthly from all of my websites. Be a blessing to me and donate any amount. It would be really great if you could gift me and my wife (she wants oa fried ice cream too) this money so that we could enjoy eating out at least once in a while. (I pay the expenses for these sites out of our living expenses.) God will richly bless you and repay you for your generosity. 1 Timothy 5:18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. If you received some value from my websites, consider at least a small donation. A big donation would really be nice, too, though.
---->>>>Donate to David Cox Ministries.<<<<----
They deep freeze the ice cream ball, and coat it with batter only a few seconds before they deep fry it, and then only fry it for a few seconds.
But as of today (my last check), I have 71.8 gigabytes of theWord modules. There is a lot of duplication because I make a lot of backups. But in actuality, there is not that much duplication. There are numerous files that are the only file for that work on my hard disk. But I go through deleting a lot of duplication and renaming files to a more standard format.
I have an index cataloging program that scans my DVD Blu-rays (25gbs and 100Gbs) and catalogues the files, including what are in compressed file containers. A search of that database has 250,000 files *.twm. A search of *.mybible find only 51,000. So the work is daunting. I am doing very little Internet Surfing these days because I have more than enough to keep me busy on my own equipment. (My pdf, rtf, epub, mobi, folders have +110 gigabytes of files.)
But as I work both in theWord ( and on this present website, I will be comparing the listings between the two, and I will be converting everything I have in theWord to MySword and uploading them here. There are a few exceptions, and these are works that are so large as to make them difficult to upload to my websites. I am still working on that problem, and in the future if I fix it, I will be adding them.
I am slowly working my way through the pages on this website to make sure everything is working correctly, and making pages for tags (topics). These are in right sidebar. Keep checking there.
If you use MySword and use Christian reference works, this is the place for you. Please come back and visit regularly. If you want to help me, I would ask that you pray for me. I am 67 years old, with Diabetes and high blood pressure, and I continue to work as a missionary (we are at 50% of our support level) and pastor a local church here in Mexico City. All stressful.
You can also send me a donation to help with my hosting expenses at For about the last two months, was having about 20k to 30k of visitors per day! I figured recently that if only 10% of those visitors would donate $2 US dollars PER YEAR, I could pay for all of my hosting expenses. For all the work that this website represents, I only get about 2 to 3 donations EACH YEAR, from all of my 32 websites I run. So be unique! Donate!
My Paypal is davidcoxmex is for donating $5. Please enter PayPal directly and use davidcoxmex if you wish to donate a different amount. Write to me if you want some other way of donating. If you want to send me a donation by Zelle interbank system, send it to me at
My Email:
I consider that the majority of the authors of the works on my websites are saved. Nobody knows for sure, but I am assuming. That is probably about 2000 people. In heaven, what they have done will be rewarded, and as time winds on, their works will follow them. To me, that means people they have influenced will cause them rewards, and more rewards as those converts and followers of their religious faith still influence more people.
What my concept behind what I am doing is simply to extend their ministries into the present generation. By reproducing their works (they will get the larger blessing) I will also be blessed and receive a reward in heaven. If Jesus promises that even a glass of water given in the name of Jesus will absolutely be rewarded, then if you put a book that is a blessing into the hands of somebody else, you will also receive a reward.
Multiply that times thousands of works and thousands of people downloading, reading, and distributing that work. What I am doing is extending these Christians ministries into the present generation, and other generations to come. I (and my wife) have paid all the expenses of this ministry for 10+ years out of our living expense funds. I have no ministry fund. If you donate, you too can partake of the heavenly rewards and blessings of extending these Christian people’s. I cannot repay you for what you give. Only God can. If nobody gives, that is okay. I will bear this financial burden as long as I am able to do so. When it stops, it stops. I will die one day, and my wife does not use computers much, so everything will be taken down at that point (for lack of payment of the hosting expenses).
News 12/14/2024
I am studying my data set (my hard disk and DVD Blu-Ray archive backups), and I am cataloging them for my own use. I am finding a great deal of modules that I don’t have on this site. As such, I am working to upload them, but I constantly have hackers that attack my websites, problems with the site software, as well as things that just stop functioning (plugins for WordPress like the download plugins). I am frustrated. Add to that the fact that we have like 2000 to 3000 daily visitors, gigabytes of downloads, and no donations for years and years. I don’t remember if or when somebody ever made a donation for this website. But anyway….
I am redoing this website because of having to redo (hacked and cannot fix it, so I had to start over), and I am learning the new WordPress blocks website creation techniques. But I am thinking that most people want the download, and are not going to do a lot of studying of the work from what I post about each one. So I am moving this website (all my download websites) to what I have functioning at You can go there and see what is available for download, and with the DownThemAll add-in for Firefox, you can one click on a page with several hundred downloads, and download everything in a very fast and efficient form. You can sort them out on your computer, or you can individually click the checkbox beside each download, and then download what you want.
I will be making stacks pages, and on this, there will be no descriptions of the work, just the author and title. Sometimes something that is necessary more (Catholic, Universalist, etc.). I will be working on this over Christmas, but look for it in January.
If God moves you to send a donation…
Use the PayPal form on the sidebar, or if you are okay with sending a check via regular mail to our home church (Orlando Bible Church in Orlando, Florida), then donate through or send money (information on how-to here).
Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own materials like tracts, books, sermons, Sunday School material, etc. We produce the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade.
I am going to work on sending something….I am medically retired….and the Lord has blessed. You be encouraged.
Hi, I found your site looking for MySword bible modules. Thanks for the work you’re doing, if you are indeed still doing it. If not, thanks for the work you HAVE done.
I am curious if you have converted the ESV bible for MySword. I saw it in your other website but it was only for TheWord program. I would like to donate to you if you could help me get the ESV bible for MySword.
Thanks, God bless. I hope to hear back from you.
Hi Jonathan, I have not been able to do much on this website recently. I am a missionary in Mexico City, and I had to return for furlough from August 2012 through October 2012, so I am just getting digged out from a backup of things to do (non-Internet). I am teaching in my church (4 services per week) and in two mission works from our church, so it takes me some time to get around to things. Preaching is more important than my websites, but I do get to them eventually. I will try to get the ESV up if I can.
thank you for all that you have done.I benefited from your esword and mysword for many years.I live in China,it is very difficult to make a donation from china to foreigners because of the bank control.What i can to now is to pray for you,may God repay you excessively in that day.
Thank you for the kind words. Your prayers are more valuable than any donation. Thanks.
Just sent you a donation for I am delighted to have MySword on my android! I Used to have eSword on my PDA and missed it dearly on my smart phone. The Bible program that I did have on my phone was far less user friendly. Last week I learned from a colleague about MySword. Thank you so much for developing MySword! It will be a major blessing. And extra special: I have textfiles of copyright protected translations, which are therefore unavailable for MySword, which I can add for personal use to my phone using the tooling. I am a very greatful and happy user! May God bless you abundantly.
I have several The Word resources that I would like to convert over to use in My Sword. How do I go about doing this? Thanks.
If you want, send them to me at and I will convert them for you, or go onto the official mysword site and download the kit to do so. You will need to make changes within the actual module before converting it.
is there a way to import/export topic notes from e-sword to my-sword?
Yes. Go to the official Mysword website, and they have utilities there to convert them.
Your site is a blessing. I can not thank you enough. Keep up the good work.
I will make sure I encourage you with a donation soon. God bless.
Thank you. I appreciate any donations. Very, very few people ever give anything from this website.
I have downloaded Mysword and have found it to be an educational, inspirational and joyous blessing. I came to this page to download more modules and to donate. However, I have come across some very disturbing. From your generosity and the clarity of the content of Mysword, I was under the impression that you speak with the voice of a Protestant. If that is true, why then would you allow catholic modules on your Web page to muddy the waters, that is, to further confuse the world? ! Either you are a papist or you are with can’t be both.
I am a Baptist, not a protestant. I am also a Baptist pastor of a church in Mexico City, and I am a missionary. I write many tracts and books refuting Catholicism, and if I did not have source material to read what Catholics believe, my work would be pretty one-sided and off balance. You should know those you are trying to convert to Christ, and your idea of never reading anything that is from some other group is good advice for new converts, but in reality, even Catholic new converts should know the heresy from which they come (most don’t). So I am not a papist, and I am not a Protestant, but I am with Christ.
Pastor David Cox.
Matthew 6:1 came to mind. Blessings to your generosity. I just got my android & still thinking whether it’s worth the trouble of moving to MySword from e-Sword.
MySword is very useful to me as I study the Bible. Many thanks David! I hope I could contribute to your ministry someday. I’m still a student but I would pray for you and your family for now. GOD BLESS YOU SO MUCH!
Pray is a very valid contribution, and probably in the long run, your prayers will do much more for our ministry than any amount of money you could send. Thanks Karl. — David Cox
This is an awesome Bible Program!!! It is great, because it is not necessary to be connected to the internet to read and study God’s Word. I have upgraded, and I am very pleased.
Dear bro..Thank you v much for e sword.i am a doctor and a preacher and I extensively use e sword for preparing my is the best software on the net..your work is great in sight of the lord .I believe only eternity will reveal the souls that have been blessed by your good work.. so never be discouraged bro and keep up the good work.i love you in Jesus name
Dr Sunil John
hi david. I have a modeul for esword (I don’t think it is commercially available. I downloaded it some years ago). It is Barclay’s “daily study bible”. Are you able to convert that to Mysword format? Thanks