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Andrews Life of Our Lord upon the Earth

Andrews good study on the life of our Lord on earth Christ which breaks uo the life of Christ and examines individual sections

Table of Contents of Andrews, Samuel – Life of our Lord upon the Earth

Chronological Essays

Part I

Anunciation to Zacharias to Baptism – 3-9 Oct., 748. 6 B.C.
Zacharias and Elisabeth – Oct., 748-March, 749. 6-5 B.C.
The Mother of the Lord – March-April, 749. 5 B.C.
Joseph Takes Mary Home – March-April, 749. 5 B.C.
After the Birth of John – June, 749. 5 B.C.
The Taxing of Augustus – Dec., 749. 5 B.C.
Cave of the Nativity – Dec., 749. 5 B.C.
The Angel and Shepherds – Dec., 749. 5 B.C.
The Presentation of Jesus – Jan.-Feb., 750. 4 B.C.
The Coming of the Magi – Feb., 750. 4 B.C.
Jesus in Egypt – Feb.-May, 750. 4 B.C.
Jesus with the Doctors – April 8, 761. A.D. 8.

Brown The Devil's Mission of Amusement
7 page article from 1889. Hollywood in the church and her ministries. Brown was a student of C.H Spurgeon.
Different days demand their own special testimony. The watchman who would be faithful to his Lord and to the city of his God needs to carefully note the signs of the times and to emphasize his witness accordingly. Concerning the testimony needed now, there can be little if any doubt. An evil is in the professed camp of the Lord, that is so gross, so brazen in its impudence, that the most shortsighted of spiritual men can hardly fail to notice it....  Amusement for the people is the leading article advertised by each... until the hideous fact has been proved up to the hilt, that "amusement" is ousting "the preaching of the Gospel" as the great attraction... The Concert is fast becoming as much a recognized part of church life as the Prayer Meeting; and it is already, in most places, far better attended.

"Providing recreation for the people" will soon be looked upon as a necessary part of Christian work, and as binding upon the Church of God, as though it were a Divine command, unless some strong voices are raised which will make themselves heard.

Read the 7-page article: Brown, The Devil's Mission of Amusement.

Part II

The Divisions of the Lord’s Ministry
The Lord’s Ministry in Judea
John Begins to Baptize
Summer of 779. 26 A.D.
John’s Testimony to Jesus
Jan.-Feb., 780 A.D. 27
Marriage at Cana
Feb.-April, 780. A.D. 27
The First Purification of the Temple
Passover, April 11-18, 780. A.D. 27
Relations of Christ’s Baptism to That of John
Dec., 780-March, 781. A.D. 27-28
Second Passover of His Ministry
Passover, March 30-April 5, 781. A.D. 28.

Part III

Upon the Lord’s Ministry in Galilee to the Death of the Baptist
The Baptist’s Imprisonment – April, 781. A.D. 28
Circuits in Galilee – April-May, 781. A.D. 28.
First Circuit in Galilee – May, 781. A.D. 28.
The Call of Levi – Summer, 781. A.D. 28.
Plucking the Ears of Corn – Summer, 781. A.D. 28.
The Choice of the Twelve – Midsummer, 781. A.D. 28.
Jesus at Nain – Midsummer, 781. A.D. 28.
The Message of the Baptist to Jesus – Midsummer, 781. A.D. 28.
Anointing at the House of Simon – Autumn, 781. A.D. 28.
Healing the Blind and Dumb Possessed – Autumn, 781. A.D. 28.
First Teaching in Parables – Autumn, 781. A.D. 28.
The Demoniacs at Gergesa – Autumn, 781. A.D. 28.
The Feast of Levi – Autumn, 781. A.D. 28.
Two Blind Men – Autumn, 781-782. A.D. 28-29.
Second Visit at Nazareth – Winter, 782. A.D. 29.

Part IV

Later Ministry in Galilee – Second Crossing the Sea
Jesus in the Land of Gennesaret
Pharisees and Scribes from Jerusalem – Summer, 782. A.D. 29.
The Pharisees Seek a Sign from Heaven – Summer 782. A.D. 29.
Time of the Transfiguration – Summer, 782. A.D. 29.
John the Baptist and Elijah –  Summer, 782. A.D. 29.
Ambition of the Apostles – Autumn, 782. A.D. 29.
Attempt to Arrest the Lord – 11th-18th Oct. 782. A.D. 29.
Jesus Teaches in the Temple – Oct. 782. A.D. 29.

Part V

The Final Departure from Galilee – Nov. 782. A.D. 29.
Jesus Journeys in Perea – Nov. 782. A.D. 29.
Jesus Dines with a Pharisee – Nov.-Dec. 782. A.D. 29.
Jesus Heals an Infirm Woman – Nov.-Dec. 782. A.D. 29.
The Feast of Dedication – Dec. 782. A.D. 29.
Healing of a Man with the Dropsy – Dec. 782. A.D. 29.
The Resurrection of Lazarus – Jan.-Feb. 783. A.D. 30.
Jesus Departs from Ephraim – Feb.-March, 783. A.D. 30.
Ambition of James and John – March, 783. A.D. 30.
Healing of Blind Men at Jericho – March, 783. A.D. 30.

Part VI

Arrival at Bethany – Friday, 31st March-Saturday, 1st April.
Bethpage and Bethany – Sunday, 2d April, 10th Nisan, 783. A.D. 30.
Second Purification of the Temple – Monday, 3d April, 11th Nisan, 783. A.D. 30.
Last Teaching in the Temple – Tuesday, 4th April, 12th Nisan, 783. A.D. 30.
Peter and John Prepare the Passover – Wednesday, 5th April, 13th Nisan, 783. A.D. 30.
Did Jesus Eat the True Paschal Supper? – Thursday, 6th April, 14th Nisan, 783. A.D. 30.
Events of the Paschal Supper – Thursday Eve, 14th Nisan, 6th April.
Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denials – Evening Following Thursday, 14th Nisan, 6th April
Jesus Goes to Gethsemane – Evening Following Thursday, 14th Nisan, 6th April
Approach of Judas with Soldiers – Evening Following Thursday, 14th Nisan, 6th April.
Jesus Taken to Annas – Friday Morning, 15th Nisan, 7th April.
Second Session of the Sanhedrim – Friday Morning, 15th Nisan, 7th April, 783. A.D. 30.
Site of the Pretorium – Firday Morning, 15th Nisan, 9th April, 783. A.D. 30.
Hour of the Crucifixion – Friday, 15th Nisan, 783. A.D. 30
Jesus Commends His Mother to John – Friday, 15th Nisan, 7th April, 783. A.D. 30.
Legs of the Malefactors Broken – Friday, 15th Nisan, 7th April, 783. A.D. 30.

Part VII

Jesus the Risen One – Sunday, 17th Nisan, 9th April
Two Disciples at Emmaus – Sunday, 17th Nisan, 9th April, 783.
Second Appearance to the Eleven – Sunday, 24th Nisan, 16th April, 783.
Appearance at the Sea of Tiberias – April-May, 783. A.D. 30.
Gathering of Disciples at Jerusalem – Thursday, May 18th, 783. A.D. 30.

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