The Doctrine of Baptism: Mechanical or Spiritual?
In this Anglican work, the author examines Baptism from the perspective of the anglican point of view. His position is that baptism is spiritual, and even the baptism of babies will save their souls if the correct words and actions are performed, even though the baby, parents, god-parents, and priest are all completely unbelieving and uninterested in the events.
CONTENTS of Doctrine of Baptism
CHAPTER I Introductory
CHAPTER II The Doctrine of the Church . . . .16
CHAPTER III Regeneration and Conversion …. 32
CHAPTER IV The Gospel Revelation on the Subject of Regeneration 50
CHAPTER V A Consideration of the Conditions of Regeneration ON Man’s Side Cz
CHAPTER VI The Conditions of Regeneration, as Witnessed TO IN THE Epistles 84
CHAPTER VII Infant Baptism, considered in the Light of THESE Conclusions 97
CHAPTER VIII Regeneration of Infants, Provisional or Absolute? 109
Aitken, W. - The Doctrine of Baptism, Mechanical or Spiritual? (159 downloads )More Works on Baptism
- Wright, C.H.H – The Fatherhood of God
- Westminster Confession of Faith
- Unknown Acts 2 and the Purpose of Baptism
- Simmons A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine
- Pollock The Holy Spirit of God
- Murray, A. – The Spirit of Christ
- Moule Veni Creati
- Morgan, G.C. – The Spirit of God
- Moon, J.H. – Water Baptism
- Mackie The Gift of Tongues
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