Ten Sermons on the Second Advent
by Ethelbert William Bullinger
by the REV. E. W. BULLINGER, D.D.,
Incumbent of Brunswick Chapel, Upper Berkeley Street, London, W.
In this 11 chapter work by Bullinger (Brethren, HyperDispensationalist), he presents us with 10 sermons on the second advent, including the importance of prophetic study, the interpretation of prophecy, premillennism, the calling and hope of the church, the church’s motive for service, the second advent for the Jew, for the Gentile, the resurrection of the just and unjust, and the judgment of the quick and the dead.
Dagg Doctrine of God is a 14 chapter work on the Person of God, His existence, His Attributes, which are Unity, Spirituality, Omnipresence, eternity, immutability, Omniscience, Omnipotence, Goodness, Truth, Justice, Holiness, Wisdom.
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Chapter Content
I. The Importance of Prophetic Study (2 Pet. i. 19)
II. The Interpretation of Prophecy (2 Pet. i. 20, 21)
III. The Second Advent Pre-Millenial (Isa. xi. 9; Matt. xxiv. 37)
IV. No Millenium Without Christ (Matt. xxiv. 29, 30)
V. The Calling and Hope of “The Church of God” (Eph. iii. 8, 9)
VI. The Church’s Motive For Service (I John iii. 2, 3)
VII. The Second Advent in Relation to “The Jew” (Rom. xi. 25-29)
VIII. The Second Advent in Relation to “The Gentile” (Dan. ii. 44, 45)
IX. The Resurrection of “the Just and of the Unjust” (I Cor. xv. 22-24)
X. The Judgment of “the Quick and the Dead” (2 Cor. v. 10; Matt. xxv. 31, 32; Rev. xx. 11-15)
Appendix:— The Beginning of the End
The following Sermons were preached at St. Ebbe’s Church, Oxford, November 21-25, 1887, and they are published by request.
There is, perhaps, little that has not been already said; but in the hope that there may be room for another witness to the all-important subjects treated of, these Sermons are sent forth for the glory of God, and for the honour of His Holy Name and His Word.
February, 1888.
SECOND EDITION. Reprinted October, 1892.
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